Following an extensive competitive dialogue procurement procedure, the London Borough of Havering, with support from Lumensol, has awarded an initial ten-year contract to K&T Heating Services Limited. The contract covers the servicing, maintenance, and replacement of heating system, including the integration of low carbon technologies in Council-owned properties.
To further develop low carbon opportunities through it's partnership with K&T, the Council elected to include the opportunity to extend the contract for a further six years, to align with its 2040 net-zero target.
Lumensol are pleased to announce we have also been awarded the role of Alliance Manager to further assist the Partnership in developing their strategy together. We look forward to supporting Havering now and into the future on this exciting journey.
Lumensol CEO, Mat Bishop, said: “We are delighted to have supported Havering with the procurement of an exciting new partnership for the maintenance of existing heating installations, and a journey to install new technologies to deliver on the Council's net zero carbon strategy. We look forward to continuing to support the team through the ongoing procurement programme and our role as Alliance Manager across the Council's partnerships."
For more information, head to the London Borough of Havering website.